
Alpha emmiters Separation method Measuring device
U-234 extraction chromatography based on DPPP resin alpha spectroscopy
U-235 extraction chromatography based on DPPP resin alpha spectroscopy
U-238 extraction chromatography based on DPPP resin alpha spectroscopy
Np-237 extraction chromatography based on aliphatic quaternary amine resin alpha spectroscopy
Pu-238 extraction chromatography based on CMPO resin alpha spectroscopy
Pu-239,240 extraction chromatography based on CMPO resin alpha spectroscopy
Am-241 extraction chromatography based on CMPO resin alpha spectroscopy
Cm-242 extraction chromatography based on CMPO resin alpha spectroscopy
Cm-243, 244 extraction chromatography based on CMPO resin alpha spectroscopy
Total alpha extraction chromatography based on DIPEX resin LSC
Total alpha   Low level alpha/beta counter
Beta emmiters Separation method Measuring device
H-3 distillation LSC
C-14 distillation and cold trap absorption LSC
Cl-36 absorption on CL resin LSC
Ca-41 carbonate precipitation LSC
Ni-63 precipitation with DMG LSC
Se-79 precipitation and ionexchange chramatography LSC
Sr-89 extraction chromatography based on crown ether Low level alpha/beta counter
Sr-90 extraction chromatography based on crown ether LSC
Sr-90 liquid-liquid extraction with TBP Low level alpha/beta counter
Zr-93 liquid-liquid extraction with TTA LSC
Tc-99 extraction chromatography based on aliphatic quaternary amine resin LSC
Pd-107 precipitation with DMG LSC
Pm-147 extraction chromatography based on HDEHP resin LSC
Sm-151 extraction chromatography based on HDEHP resin LSC
Pu-241 extraction chromatography based on CMPO resin LSC
Gamma emmiters Separation method Measuring device
Na-22 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
K-40 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Mn-54 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Co-58 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Co-60 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Nb-94 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Nb-95 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Zr-95 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Ru-106 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Cd-109 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Ag-110m direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Sb-124 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Sb-125 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Sn-126 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Ba-133 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Cs-134 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Cs-137 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Ba-133 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Eu-152 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Eu-154 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Eu-155 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Ra--226 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
Th-234 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
U-238 direct measurement gamma spectroscopy
X-Ray emmiters Separation method Measuring device
Ca-41 carbonate precipitation LEGS
Fe-55 extraction chromatography based on CMPO resin LEGS
Ni-59 precipitation with DMG LEGS
Mo-93 molybdate precipitation LEGS
I-129 extraction in to chloroform LEGS